Wyoming is fortunate to have a very healthy population of Rocky Mountain Elk . We operate in the central areas of the state, which hold some of the top genetics found in Wyoming. The tag numbers vary by unit, with preference points playing a big role in the tag you can draw. There are random tags available in the drawings, but we recommend to start building your points now to guarantee a hunt in the future. The areas we hunt focus on mature bulls, with varying sizes and quality depending on the unit. We have a history of 100% opportunity on 6×6 bulls scoring 300″ or better. Book your hunt now as we only have limited slots available to focus on you as the client getting the bull you deserve.

If you’re interested in cow hunts, we have plenty of opportunity for harvest and bringing home that delicious elk meat.



Rifle elk hunts will begin the 1st of September and end the 31st of December. The specific dates depend upon the hunt unit and the current Wyoming Game and Fish hunting season dates. Clients will have the option of either spot or stalk, setting up and calling, or hunting from a blind on watering holes or scouted travel routes.

  • Spot and Stalk, setting up and calling: These hunts will be one hunter to one guide or two hunters to one guide. Hunts will be for a period of five days; extensions can be made at the request of the client if needed. The hunt will begin from daylight at the guide’s truck, glassing for prospective animals to stalk, and or using calls to locate animals. Targeted animals will be stalked on foot until within range, and then waited out for an ethical shot for harvest. Calling for animals will require stalking and setting up in favorable locations where the guide is set back calling and the client is positioned in a location that the animal may travel through in response to the call. Plenty of food and water will be brought into the field and kept in a cooler or brought in the hunting gear if extended periods in the field are anticipated.


  • Ground Blinds/Tree Stands: These hunts can be one hunter to one guide or two hunters to one guide. Arrangements can be made for hunters to have their own blind, or sit together if desired. If the latter is chosen, clients will be advised that success rate will be higher if hunting from separate blinds. Hunts from tree stands will only allow one hunter per stand at a time. Hunts of will be for a period of five days. Ground blinds and tree stands will be set on watering holes and travel corridors to comply with local laws and regulations. Access to the blind/tree stand locations will be by vehicle, ATV, or by foot prior to daylight. Clients will remain in the blind/tree stand and await animals to present an opportunity for an ethical shot for harvest. Plenty of food and water will be brought into the field with the clients hunting gear. The guide will have a communication plan to check with the hunter periodically through the day.

Archery elk hunts will begin the 1st of September and end the 30th of September. Clients will have the option of either spot or stalk, setting up and calling, or hunting from a blind on watering holes or scouted travel routes.

  • Spot and Stalk, setting up and calling: These hunts will be one hunter to one guide or two hunters to one guide. Hunts will be for a period of five days; extensions can be made at the request of the client if needed. The hunt will begin from daylight at the guide’s truck, glassing for prospective animals to stalk, and or using calls to locate animals. Targeted animals will be stalked on foot until within range, and then waited out for an ethical shot for harvest. Calling for animals will require stalking and setting up in favorable locations where the guide is set back calling and the client is positioned in a location that the animal may travel through in response to the call. Plenty of food and water will be brought into the field and kept in a cooler or brought in the hunting gear if extended periods in the field are anticipated.


  • Ground Blinds/Tree Stands: These hunts can be one hunter to one guide or two hunters to one guide. Arrangements can be made for hunters to have their own blind, or sit together if desired. If the latter is chosen, clients will be advised that success rate will be higher if hunting from separate blinds. Hunts from tree stands will only allow one hunter per stand at a time. Hunts of will be for a period of five days. Ground blinds and tree stands will be set on watering holes and travel corridors to comply with local laws and regulations. Access to the blind/tree stand locations will be by vehicle, ATV/UTV, or by foot prior to daylight. Clients will remain in the blind/tree stand and await animals to present an opportunity for an ethical shot for harvest. Plenty of food and water will be brought into the field with the clients hunting gear. The guide will have a communication plan to check with the hunter periodically through the day.

We offer several different elk hunting packages. Prices vary on area and ranch that the hunt is booked on:

Trophy Hunt Package / 2×1 guide/hunter / 7 Days / $9,500 – $19,500:

This is a special hunt that the hunter wants to focus on a certain caliber of bull. If you draw a tag after 10+ years of waiting, many hunters want to have the best experience they can. Our team spends weeks in the field prior to the season beginning to make sure all aspects of the hunt have been planned for. We also use game cameras to evaluate the herds in certain areas and get to see a large variety of the more mature bulls. We spare no expense at making sure we take care of you on your hunt. We will have 2 guides with you on your hunt, giving a second set of eyes to help glass the vast country and locate the best bull we can.

Standard Hunt Package / 1×1 guide/hunter / 5 Days / $6,500 – $8,500

Like the trophy hunt package, this hunt is focused on finding the older mature bulls. Winter herd counts and Preseason scouting is done in the areas to have a good pulse on the animals and their potential for the hunt. Knowing the units we operate in and the herd health gives us increased chances of getting you into the right areas that hold the older and bigger bulls. We know that time is important and we make sure to maximize your 5 days in the field.

Cow Hunt Package / 1×2 guide/hunter / 3 Days / $2,550

This hunt package is a great way to come and have a fun hunt, not worrying about the size of the antlers and being able to go home with some delicious meat. We operate in several good areas that hold a lot of cows, which makes it an easier hunt.

Add Additional Flexibility and days to your hunt for $725/day. A deposit for expected additional days will be collected prior to hunting.

Combination Hunts are available. Let us know if you would like to book a combo hunt. Our team will work with you to determine if it will be something that we can accommodate for you.


Lodging will be in the nearest city or town to the hunting unit. Clients will be given the option to stay in any available motel, hotel, or vacation rental facility (VRBO, AIRBNB, etc.) chosen by BHL. **All lodging costs are covered for the night prior to your hunt beginning, through the last night of the hunt (ex. 5 day hunt, we cover the night before plus 5 nights of the hunt = 6 nights).

To prepare the clients for their hunt, they will be requested to arrive to their lodging location by 1:00 PM the day before their hunt begins. Clients flying into an airport nearest the hunt area will be met and picked up at the airport for no charge. If clients are driving into the city nearest the hunt area, they will be met at their lodging location by the specific hunt area manager and checked in, signing their licenses and ensuring all paperwork is complete. Clients will then be assisted to their rooms with their gear to unpack.

To validate client’s firearms or archery equipment, clients will; shoot their guns at a minimum 100 yard range for firearms; shoot their archery equipment at practical archery ranges.

Public land utilized will include any legally permitted BLM, State, Private, or Forest Service lands. Access will be made through legal means; roads, trails, etc.

Every day will begin with breakfast before daylight, facilitated through local restaurants and eateries. While clients are eating, the guides will prepare sack lunches for the clients and themselves. Lunches will be sack lunches, made to order, tailored to the client’s appetite; choice of meat on sandwiches, cheese, bread, fruit, chips, cookies, water, Gatorade, etc.

Guides will communicate with each other and notify the Hunt Area Manager of intended plans for the day. Safety and environmental factors will be discussed to ensure appropriate plans are made. All clients will be given the opportunity to remain in the field all day to maximize their experience and opportunities.

Guides vehicles will be utilized to hunt from. All vehicles will maintain a cooler with ice and a case of bottled water, and additional snacks.

Days will begin at sunrise glassing from the guide’s vehicle. Spot and stalk methodology will be practiced with hiking after animals on foot as the primary means of moving around to see game. The guides will ensure that the client has plenty of food and water in their hunting pack to last while away from the truck. The client’s physical ability and preparation will dictate the amount of hiking that is done as well as the length of time out in the field. The guides will ensure to communicate with the client and identify when they are working within their comfort level. No alcohol consumption is allowed while hunting or in any manner that is illegal.

After harvesting and legally signing and notching the carcass coupon, field care will be a priority to make sure that the animal is taken care of properly. As soon as possible, the animal will be skinned and caped with proper identification securely attached to the cape and horns or antlers; with the meat will be placed on ice or hung to cool, or brought to a meat processing facility for processing and packaging. The client is responsible for meat processing fees. Any portions of animals transported will maintain compliance with CWD transportation regulations.

Dinner will follow the day’s activities facilitated at local restaurants or eateries, with time to discuss plans for the following day and get a good night of rest.

At the conclusion of the requested experience, clients requesting delivery to the airport will be taken by the hunt area manager or the guide to the airport by noon. All clients will be informed prior to booking the hunt to make travel arrangements for flights departing between 7am and 1pm.

All fully guided operations will remain consistent with town hunts, with the exceptions of:

  • Lodging
    • Lodging will be in wall tent camp accommodations..
  • Meals
    • All meals will be provided for camp hunt clients, being prepared by the guide.
  • Camp wake up/departure
    • Dependent upon the area where staying and the location of desired game.